Vedic Science

Vedic Science :- Veda is a Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge.” There are numerous ways we acquire knowledge about the world around us. Broadly speaking, there are two categories of knowledge: knowledge we discover for ourselves, and knowledge we receive from others. Due to our limited experience and fixed duration of life, we will never be able to achieve perfect knowledge without taking help from others. In Sanskrit, this is known as avaroha-panthā, or the path of descending wisdom. However, perfect knowledge can only come from a perfect source. The Vedic scientific method enables anyone to access the perfect knowledge contained in the Vedic scriptures and realize the Truth of the Vedic teachings in their own life.

Three Applications of Vedic Science :-

Your consciousness is like a crystal. It reflects its own qualities onto the people and circumstances around it. Here are three ways to transform the quality of your consciousness to have a better experience of life:

  1. Meditate:- The most powerful type of meditation is mantra meditation, because it harnesses the power of sound.
  2. Hear about the Absolute Truth, Sri Krishna:- The Vedas are full of instructive lessons and histories of sages and kings who sought to understand the Absolute Truth. Among all Vedic texts, the Srimad Bhagavatam stands out for its clear and comprehensive presentation of the various paths of self-realization.
  3. Connect with serious spiritual seekers:- There are many sangas or associations of spiritual seekers who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of self-realization and God consciousness. Spending time with others who want to elevate their consciousness will enable you to learn more quickly, and you will also be able to develop spiritual qualities, such as equanimity, tolerance, simplicity, and compassion.

Vedic Science: Solving Life’s Real Problems :-

The Vedas describe four fundamental problems of life that cannot be solved by any amount of material scientific advancement:

  1. Birth:- Although most of us have no memories of what it felt like to be birthed from a womb out into the world, it is described in the Vedas as being an excruciatingly painful experience. This sets the tone for what is to come — in the words of the Buddha, dukkha ariya sacca. “Life is suffering.”
  2. Disease:- Illness is unavoidable, no matter who you are, where you live, or what standard of medical care you have access to. When you’re really sick, you feel so miserable that nothing seems enjoyable. You can only wait and hope that your body will recover.
  3. Old age:- As the body ages, you lose your stamina, your mental fortitude, your memory, your physical beauty — in short, you appear like a dying plant. Growing old is a painful and frightening experience.
  4. Death:- Life’s final frontier is like a disappointing conclusion to a movie you regret watching. Death robs us of everything we hold dear, even our very sense of identity, as our consciousness is forced to vacate our material body.

Is life really all bad? No — there are many wonderful gifts of being alive. We can have relationships, create beautiful things, and appreciate the natural beauty of the universe. However, the four inevitable problems listed above spoil the entire experience. The net result is that life is more painful than pleasing. But it’s not meant to be that way.

Realizing the Purpose of Human Life :-

The Vedas teach that our human life is a precious opportunity to put an end to all suffering through self-realization (ātma-vidyā) and devotion to God (bhakti-yoga). Who you are is more than just a material body and mind. You are an eternal spark of spiritual energy, pure consciousness. The human form of life is specifically designed to enable us to directly experience this truth through the linking process of yoga, syncing up our minute consciousness with the Super consciousness.

How Vedic Science Works :-

Many people mistakenly think that the Vedas espouse a type of religion. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, all of the world’s religions can be analyzed in terms of the psychological framework provided in the Vedas.

Vedic science shares three important characteristics with contemporary scientific thought and practice:

  • A robust theoretical framework,
  • Necessary and sufficient conditions for the success of experiments, and
  • Independent evaluation and confirmation of results by a community of experts.

Many scientific claims found in the Vedas have already been verified by independent third-parties. However, because the primary subjects of the Vedic science are consciousness and Super consciousness, your participation is required in order to directly experience the scientific nature of Vedic thought.

Branches of Vedic Science :-

The Vedas form a comprehensive manual for understanding the universe and our position in it. There are numerous branches of knowledge within the Vedic canon, including: the Vedic wisdom.

  • Health sciences
  • Social sciences
  • Military arts
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Logic
  • Political science
  • Cosmology
  • Business
  • Mathematics
  • Architecture
  • Astrology
  • Spirituality
  • Art

At Popular Vedic Science, we aim to present these diverse branches of knowledge as well as novel discoveries in Vedic research, so that all of humanity may benefit from the Vedic wisdom.